Webhooks Targets

A webhook is a mechanism that allows AIDA to communicate events and other relevant information to other software asynchronously using an HTTP request. A webhook is a mechanism for sending automated notifications or data updates from one system (the sender) to another system (the receiver). It works by establishing a callback URL in the receiver system, which the sender system can access. When a specific event or update occurs in the sender system, it sends an HTTP POST request containing relevant data to the specified URL. The receiver system, configured to listen for these incoming requests, receives the data and can perform actions or process it accordingly

The target webhook is nothing more than an endpoint exposed by the receiving software, which AIDA will use to send information. Webhooks are used in AIDA for real-time integration and communication between different applications or services, can be used in case of external application for smartcard or document chip personalization



Where ip_adress.local is the IXLA system IP adress